Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Final Decision For Music Video.

We have decided to do The Pipettes - I like boys in uniform.
This song was chosen due to its quirky and unique sound. We think that we can do a lot with the lyrics and create a well constructed narrative based video. It will also be a fun video to make as the band themselves are not your normal Indie band. They appear to break the stereotype of ordinary Indie bands, they seem to have been influenced by the 60's in both their clothing and make-up.
We have also been thinking about putting performance into our video, however still linking it to the narrative. We've also speculated whether to use intertextuality from the film Scott Pilgram Vs The World.
We have already decided that in the video things are going to be exaggerated, similar to cartoons or manga books.

Written by Jessica Holdsworth.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Ideas for music videos from previous Songs

The ideas for music videos of the previous songs:
Hockey, Work:
-- 80's style band, so we imagined a girl with back combed hair, thick red make-up going across her eyes & bright clothing.
-- We had the idea of everyone being sleepy and her trying to get everyone dancing, then we had a second idea of a man in drag fed up with his life (as for our video you need something more quirky)

Pink, Bad Influence:
-- Crazy, circus like video. Some parts sped up slightly to give it a goofy feel to it.
-- black and white part to the video
-- Looking at the camera, keeping audience involved.

Avril Lavigne, Things i'll Never Say:
-- Girl having thoughts so she holds up a thought bubble with a still of the next shot in it, which we zoom into and carry on with next scene.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010


Initial Songs:
At the start we had several songs that we thought were good:
- Hockey, Work (we realised the song is quite slow, so had the potential to be boring)
- The Maccabees, First Love & About your Dress (which we really liked but both of them already had videos)
- Pink, Bad Influence (A strong contender but found she is too strong an artist and recognisable to try and immitate)
- Avril Lavigne, Things I'll Never Say (Didn't think we would have enough ideas for a video) The Final Song we have chosen is.... The Pipettes, I like A Boy in Uniform!

The ideas for music videos of the previous songs:
Hockey, Work:
-- 80's style band, so we imagined a girl with back combed hair, thick red make-up going across her eyes & bright clothing.
-- We had the idea of everyone being sleepy and her trying to get everyone dancing, then we had a second idea of a man in drag fed up with his life (as for our video you need something more quirky)

Pink, Bad Influence:
-- Crazy, circus like video. Some parts sped up slightly to give it a goofy feel to it.
-- black and white part to the video
-- Looking at the camera, keeping audience involved.

Avril Lavigne, Things i'll Never Say:
-- Girl having thoughts so she holds up a thought bubble with a still of the next shot in it, which we zoom into and carry on with next scene.