Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th
Finished Music Video: December 16th
Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
We realized there was too much on our page, so we have taken inspiration from our song and decided to have a classic classroom table as our background. We will insert the cartoon images on the background, however have struggled to position them correctly on photoshop. We have also inputted colourful paper as backgrounds for our text.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Day 3 of filming
Day 2 of filming
For day 2 we are using the green screen so that we can put a polka dot background on the frame, linking it to the pipettes. For this we used 2 girls playing guitars who will be used in anna's (main character) fantasy.
During the filming we decided to do the front cover of our digipack. This is one of the potential photo's we will use.
By Hannah Cockerton
During the filming we decided to do the front cover of our digipack. This is one of the potential photo's we will use.
By Hannah Cockerton
day 1 of filming
Here are some of the pictures taken whilst on our first day of filming.
Here we are shooting the scene where Micheal (centre) touches the guys next to him implying that he is gay.
This is the scene where anna (main character) finds out that the boy she likes is gay and stampedes down the corridor. For this scene we used a dolly to zoom into her face from down the corridor.
Another school classroom scene.
By Hannah Cockerton
By Hannah Cockerton
working on our movie
This week we have finally got footage, and we have started to edit. We have started to paste to black laying down the beginnings of our music video.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Progress with the website

Monday, 15 November 2010
Collage & Front page for website

We have started to create the main layout for our website. We have made images which will be used on the website. For example a collage image will be used as the background. This represents the band as being colourful and different, also links with the cartoon/art theme. This image was made my Hannah and scanned in and edited on photoshop. We feel this would look good as it will contrast the white page background.
Also we have made photos for links, for example the merchandise T-shirt. A T-shirt was taken from Google and edited in Photoshop, the logo was then placed onto the T-shirt and by using the clone tool we were able to merge the logo and T-shirt together. We think it looks good and would be suitable for the website.
We took a photo of Anna and by using photoshop changed the contrast, brightness etc in order to make the colours change. We separately changed the background colour, and linked them all together to make a pop art type image. We may use this as apart of our CD cover.
This is what we have done so far for the website. We have created the right hand side column, which includes CD's, tour dates, merchandise and photos. We have put the inputted the background image and a range of other images including the logo.
We have also made a small social network bar at the bottom, which would be used as links to their other sites.
Written by Jessica Holdsworth and Hannah Cockerton
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Website Background
We've come up with the idea that we want our website to be 60's style with a lot of pop art on it because the pipettes music is 60's sounding. We have made several different photo's of our lead actress and turned it into pop art. We are still not sure whether we are going to use this as it may look basic and tacky.
Also we have made some pop art comic strip images to also put on the background.
by Hannah and Jade
Monday, 8 November 2010
Previous Student Websites
These are previous websites that we liked elements of. The first with the crinkled paper goes with our school theme and we liked its informal look. We also liked the scribbled drawings as they again evoke the light-hearted and child like approach that the song we are using portrays. We like the image of the tree as it is very delicate and girly, the artists are girls and we want something pretty and elegant as well as something light hearted to remind the audience that the artists are women.
Written By Hannah and Jade
The start of our website
What we really like about the start of our website is the name of the of the pipettes which we did on photoshop. We did it by fluke as when we lassoed the name and dragged it away it left this.
We like the childish theme as it links with the school theme in our video. Also showing they are a light-hearted band.
Written By Hannah and Jade
We like the childish theme as it links with the school theme in our video. Also showing they are a light-hearted band.
Written By Hannah and Jade
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Website Analysis
Images and Logo
The images are presented in an old fashioned style giving and authentic feel to the artist, it makes her seem original and almost vintage. So in turn makes her seem classier. The imagery of the lungs make the website feel exposed , we are seeing something odd but it makes it feel natural for this band as an indie artist. This again making her seem more original. The butterfly and rose bring in the element of nature, a convention of indie and the curly font creates a fun a creative feel.
Conventions of nature are used on the webpage, with the rose, lungs and butterfly. They make the music seem more sincere with the lungs, making everything more mature but quirky. The use of curly font is common in indie bands as it gives a more light hearted feel to everything. The colours aren't very generic as they are not bold and bright which again makes the artist seem more original as she is happy to break past conventions. The odd quirky convention is definetly evident with the pictures of the album artwork and the general lay out of the page.
New technology and Links
The artist has used video technology so audiences can see a music video, this helps promote the artist further as more people will want to see the video, so are more likely to visit the site and therefore buy the music. There are also links to further information on albums, news and other areas of media and links to how to buy the albums. There is also a search bar so people can eaisly find what they are looking for on the webpage. This gets the artist out there more and promoted by different levels of media so are seen more by the public eye. There are also special effects with the lungs and butterfly as the lungs expand and deflate and the butterflies wings move, this makes everything much more real and therefore makes the audience feel even more connected to the artist. There is also a track available to play at the top of the screen.
Colour and Style
The colours are not conventional, they are not bright or bold. The red has shading making it look darker and more effective. The fact the colours do not fit the indie convention makes the artist appear more extravagant and daring, and makes them appear new and exciting as she doesnt fit in perfectly to indie. The colours give a vintage feel to everything, with cold colours that looks like parch paper and loopy writing like from the circus. These little things makes everything seem more elegant and old.
Written Content
There is little written content on the home page which reinforces the artists image as too much written information would crowd the page over complicating it and this wouldn't fit with the indie convention of simplicity. The written content is enough for the home page to portray the artist and promote her without there being too much. It keeps the natural easy going feel of the artist as everything is easy to access through links on the written information.
Font and Layout
The swirly writing emphasises the authentic feel given by everything else such as colour, it also makes the artist seem more light hearted and free because the writing isn't perfect. The layout is like a scrapbook, bits overlapping and linking together, it again plays on the authenticity and gives it what feels like a personal touch from the artist herself.
Target Audience
The use of technology targets a younger audience of late teens and young adults. The use of the moving heart and butterfly helps target the same age range and these things are impressive and are what people what talk about and want to look at. The images show a young women (the artist) which targets males as she is attractive however the general authentic style of the website targets females as it is very feminine with pretty touches such as the role or image of the artist in a satan black dress.
The advertisements are appropriate for the audience as they are all linked to other pages so are easy to find. The advertisement consists of the artists albums or information about the audience and it is simplistic targeting a young adult audience who do not want anything over complicated.
Written By Jade Shepherd
Our Digipak
Based on the research we have done we have created a plan of our own digipak, we decided we wanted to incorporate the ideas of bright colours and bold fun writing often see linked to indie artwork. We decided to use the theme of school and have children's writing for our font and have pictures of school uniform on the cd itself with a bold background colour. We want everything to be very straight forward and bold to fit the indie convention. We wanted the front cover to be cheeky and fun like the band The Pipettes are themselves so we decided to have people with a banner reading The Pipettes covering their body parts but so the image suggests slight nudity behind the banner. We thought this would be a good way of portraying the Pipettes song style as they often take something serious and make it silly or rude, so in this case we are taking teenagers and making it rude and silly to fit. The ideas are appropriate as they link to the song and to the artist themselves. The images will help sell the artist as fun and lighthearted which is exactly what them and their music is so we feel our ideas are very appropriate.
Written by Jade Shepherd
Written by Jade Shepherd
CD Research - Digipak
These four photos are of The Pigeon Detectives album Wait For Me.
The image theme of the album is dears. They are present within every image on the digipak, this animal imagery is very common within indie music. Indie tends to relate to nature. They don't play on materialistic elements like in pop and r n b. Indie tends to portray working class, average lifestyles in their music and this is closer to nature. This is why it is appropriate to have a dear on the front of the album because it makes sense for the genre. The two dear on the front are locking horns, it looks gentle and loving which could evoke the love side of the songs, however locking horns is usually an action of aggression so this could be the pain of loss of love shown in the songs. The black and red makes the album look dramatic and strong. However the white on the front cover reminds us its an indie genre. The font is simplistic which goes with the way of their music. Which is simple but creative, it makes the band seem more sophisticated because there is no childishness to the font. However it is bold and simple which is an indie convention. The image sells the artist as a mature band with meaning to their music however elegance and natural beauty is also shown through the use of a dear. The animal imagery creates a light hearted feel reminding the audience once again of the genre.
These four images are of The Maccabees Album Colour It In.
The digipak is very appropriate for the genre. They have chosen odd characters to be represented on the front and different colours. They have however challenged a convention of bright colours in indie imagery by choosing mint green and brown. This however works in making the imagery more obscure and is therefore very inviting to an audience of this genre. The images of the characters makes the audience think how society may be portrayed to the band. How everyone is odd in their own way. Indie conventionally plays on oddness. The mise-en-scene gives the impression that the band are funa nd lighthearted in their music. They want to make people laugh rather than necessarily be taken 100% seriously. It also makes the audience feel as though people are lost in society and that this album is based on people and their lives. The back photo at the top is black and the images seem imposing, this possibly portrays the darker side of society. The inside cover is like someone standing in a street with a walking advertisement and the front is a crowd. The mise-en-scene suggests the everything to do with society and people as individuals. This gives the effect of the audience being a part of the album because it is about themselves. The images sells the artist as a meaningful but fun band. As a band that breaks slightly away from the conventions of indie to be their own. The curly font creates a childish and friendly feel to the cd making it more evident as an indie album.
These four images are of The Magic Numbers album. The are a rock indie band.
The digipak is extremely appropriate for this type of genre, they have the serious element of rock with the photo of the four band members all dressed in black, a conventional colour for rock. However they keep the indie conventions with the photos of the blocks on the back page and the cartoon people on the cd. The digipak images are very simplistic giving a mature feel to the whole album and this is strengthened more by the birds eye view photo of the band. The whole album gives the feel of an older indie rock band who take a serious approach to the genre. The shapes used are straight forward and neutral again giving the same impression. The image sells the band to those who are looking for something a little more serious than traditional indie. The font is basic in either black or white and in what looks like times new roman. This once again gives the audience the idea that this band is more mature and take a less light hearted feel.
Written By Jade Shepherd
Monday, 1 November 2010
Website Analysis & Research
One band I am going to analyse the website for is 'The Cranberries' which are a much older indie band compared to others we have researched, as they were around in 1989.
The images the band uses are just of the band in casual clothes with basic backgrounds. Showing their an indie band as their image is just themselves (normal). The logo is at the top of the website in white font contrasting with the black background making it stand out.
The colour and style of the website are quite dark, showing sophistication. The main colours used are black, white and dark purple showing that they are a serious band and not pop from lack of vibrant colours. Some of the fonts used for the headings are scruffy perhaps showing they aren't interested in style.
The genre of the website (indie) is shown because there are photos of the band and some pictures of instruments which are a big part in indie bands. Also in there photos they are all of them performing and singing on stage showing that it's about the music and not an image.
New Technology & links on this website are very basic as they're an old band and aren't around as much now so promoting isn't an issue. However it still uses links to facebook, twitter and youtube. It also has a page for links to fan websites showing that they are already a popular band.
Written content on the homepage is the latest news of the band, such as tours dates. The writing itself is written formally and intelligently as their fans are an older generation therefore the use of slang/abbreviations would contrast to their image and audience.
Font and layout is that they use basic fonts and colours with an easy to read layout. They use uncomplicated layout as they are just about the music and getting the info to the fans as easily as possible.
Target audience are 25+ because of the sophisticated colours and layout and by the age of the band in the photos.
Advertisements minimal with only things like facebook etc. So that fans can spread their opinions about the band.
By Hannah Cockerton
The images the band uses are just of the band in casual clothes with basic backgrounds. Showing their an indie band as their image is just themselves (normal). The logo is at the top of the website in white font contrasting with the black background making it stand out.
The colour and style of the website are quite dark, showing sophistication. The main colours used are black, white and dark purple showing that they are a serious band and not pop from lack of vibrant colours. Some of the fonts used for the headings are scruffy perhaps showing they aren't interested in style.

New Technology & links on this website are very basic as they're an old band and aren't around as much now so promoting isn't an issue. However it still uses links to facebook, twitter and youtube. It also has a page for links to fan websites showing that they are already a popular band.
Written content on the homepage is the latest news of the band, such as tours dates. The writing itself is written formally and intelligently as their fans are an older generation therefore the use of slang/abbreviations would contrast to their image and audience.
Font and layout is that they use basic fonts and colours with an easy to read layout. They use uncomplicated layout as they are just about the music and getting the info to the fans as easily as possible.
Target audience are 25+ because of the sophisticated colours and layout and by the age of the band in the photos.
Advertisements minimal with only things like facebook etc. So that fans can spread their opinions about the band.
By Hannah Cockerton
Website Analysis & Research
This will be looking at 5 different Indie bands websites. It will be focusing on images, text, content and style and how this represents the artists. This analysis will help us collect ideas for The Pipettes website.
The Kooks!
Images & Logos!
On the homepage there is a range of images of the band members. These are used as the header of the page. The logo of the band is located on the right and stands out from the background.
The web page is very simple, like the image The Kooks present to their audience. There is images of the band members and their instruments on the background. Indie bands focus a lot of their instruments, in videos, their image and performances. Using a music players show that they want the audience to listen to their music, some artists use their image more to promote their music E.g. Lady GAGA.
New Technology & Links!
There is the use of links to social network sites which the bands use for promotion, for example Twitter & Facebook. They also have a range of videos that can be played on the main page. As well as this they have a music players which lets fans chose the singles that they have released. Theres the use of hyperlinks through text to other pages on the website.
The only written content on the main page is a short blog explaining key dates e.g. concerts; also progress within the band.
Colour & Overall Style
The colours are very basic, there is a colourful background tiled image of the band members. Blacks, whites and reds are the main colours on the website. The background image is coloured by the main layout which is white. This use of the white makes the website look professional and organised. Maybe the white represents the simplicity of the band and colour shows that they are a unique and light hearted band.
Font & Layout!
The layout is simple and easy to use for the fans. There is not a large amount of information, which allows the audience to browse through the website. The black font is easy to read, due to the background being white. The main layout is centralised which makes it look professional.
The only advertisements on the page are ones for social network sites (bebo, myspace, facebook and twitter) and Virgin records which they are signed to.Target
The kooks would be promoting their music towards a teenager/young adult working class audience. This is shown through the images that they have used, they have a casual style to both their music and clothing. This relates to the working class audience. Young adults and teenagers use social network sites to talk to their friends and also to find new music. The Kooks use this to their advantage, as they have all three of the main social networking sites, hyperlinks are shown on the website.

Mystery Jets!
Images & Logos!
Images are used on the header of the website, these change frequently. Images are used in a blogging system, showing the band in live performances and the members themselves. There is also an album cover on the main page. There is no logo representing the band, just the name of the band at the top of the page.
New Technology & Links!
Similar to The Kooks, The Mystery Jets have used hyperlinks to social network sites, as well they have used hyperlinks to legal download stores such as iTunes. There is links to tour dates, like The Kooks there is a music player and fans can sign up to a mailing list. At the top of the page (The Header) images fade into each other.
Written Content!
The Mystery Jets use a blogging system as well, giving information about concerts and updates.
Colour & Style!
The main colours used are whites and blacks, similar to The Kooks website it looks organised and professional.
Font & Layout!
Unlike The Kooks the website covers the whole page, the blog is in the middle and links on the right. The font is smaller, however is still easy to read. The font is sans serif which gives it a modern look.
There are advertisements to social network sites that The Mystery Jets are shown on. They also advertise iTunes and music sites. Music videos are shown through YouTube, this could attract promotion towards YouTube.
Target Audience!
Aimed at a teenage/young adult audience, working class - middle class. This is shown through the style of the band, in both music and clothing.
The web page focuses a lot on their music, through the use of the music player, the blog and music videos. The links help fans locate concerts in their area and they have promoted themselves through social network sites, which many bands and artists do in the 21st Century. The Mystery Jets show through images that they enjoy performing infront of their fans through images on their blog. The web page is plain, but has some quirky elements to them, for example the blending of images as the header. This represents the band, as an Indie, however they are quirky through their music and image.
The main image is a photograph of a crowd at on of their concerts/festivals that they were in.
There are not many images on the page, due to the homepage being small. Other images are of the band/members performing. Their name and logo takes up a large amount of the page, their logo is a snow flake representing their name.
New Technology & Links!
Links to Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and YouTube. An moving image on the page to advertise their merchandise and a link to the page. Similar to the other Indie website there is a music player. There is a log in and log out system, which is a new feature and has not been on the other Indie websites.
Written Content!
There is a not a large amount of written content unlike the other web pages. A blog system is used but only shows a small amount of information, to find out more fans have to click on a link to another page.
Target Audience!
Young Adults & Teenagers but due to Snow Patrol being mainstream, they could be aimed at an older audience, probably working class to middle class. The website is not complicated to use, links help the fans use the website. Even though they have moved to America they have still stuck to their roots, using an British/Northern Ireland scene to advertise their merchandise. In the blog they use informal language to appeal to their audience.
Colour & Style!
In contrast to the previous webpages the colours are different. Snow Patrol's homepage is dark and black instead of white and colourful like the other two. The band might see themselves as more darker than other bands and seem to concentrate their attention on concerts and festivals.
Font & Layout!
The colour of the font is different due to the background colours, font colours used are white and red. The layout is very simple starting from the top: header, navigation, main image, blog and images, with links to social networks at the bottom. The columns are centered like The Kooks webpage.
Social network sites, music video sites and their merchandise.
Snow Patrol are more mainstream than the other bands, they have had huge number ones, due to Spiderman and Greys Anatomy. They could be seen as a mix of Indie and Pop. However when they first started out they were an Indie band and still have some of those elements in their music. The webpage focuses on their fans more than the band themselves through images and features such as Log ins. Like the other two web pages I have analysed the homepage is simple, easy to read and understand.
(Written By Jessica Holdsworth)
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